Bicycle lease - Human Resources
Lease bike scheme
Would you like to cycle more often, privately or to work. Are you looking for a new bike? Then explore the new lease bike scheme now!
What does the lease bike scheme involve?
You can now lease a bike from Arval Bike Lease via KLM. Arval works together with a large number of bike dealers in the Netherlands through the Hellorider platform. You can choose from more than 100 brands of e-bikes and (cargo) bikes. Everything such as insurance and maintenance of the bike is taken care of, so you no longer have to worry about this. The lease bike contract is for 36 months, which means you pay for the bike in 36 instalments. If you want to purchase the bike after these 36 months, you can do this at an attractive rate (around 15-20% of the retail price), but it is not mandatory.
If you qualify for the lease bike scheme, this gives you a tax advantage as you pay for the bike out of your gross salary. In addition, KLM pays 10 euros gross per month towards the cost of your lease bike. So, it's a sustainable choice for both the environment and your wallet.
More information about whether you are eligible for the lease bike scheme, the ordering process, and the impact on your lease contract when your employment ends can be found below in the drop-down menu. For the entire scheme, you can also consult the lease bike scheme at the bottom of this page.
You are eligible for the leased bike if:
1. you are employed by:
- KLM Ground
- KLM/ KLC Cabin
- KLM/ KLC Cockpit
- KLM Cargo Pilots
2. None of the situations below applies to you:
- you have a temporary employment contract for the duration of one year or less
- you are still in your probationary period
- you retire within 3 years, i.e., if you reach your (standard) retirement age within three years
- there is a wage garnishment
- you live abroad
- there is a disciplinary suspension with withholding of wages
- you fall below the minimum wage when leasing a bicycle
- Using the Arval Bike Lease calculator you can see what your lease amount will be. The current minimum wage amounts can be found on the website of the Central Government.
If you have applied but do not qualify for a lease bicycle for one (or more) of the above reasons, you will receive a rejection e-mail. For privacy reasons, the reason for rejection is not included in the e-mail. The reason for rejection is not recorded anywhere, as this is a snapshot of the situation. The reasons for rejection are listed above. If you still have questions, please contact the HR Shared Service Center via
For the lease bike scheme, KLM is working with Arval Bike Lease, which offers an extensive network of bicycle dealers via the Hellorider platform. The step-by-step plan below tells you where you can find the bike offer and how the ordering process works. Go to the home page of Arval Bike Lease to view the offer.
- The button at the bottom of this page takes you to the Hellorider registration page. Here you enter your personal data to register. This registration only expresses your interest in a lease bike. You are not placing an order.
- An assessment will first be made by KLM. This will check whether you are entitled to participate in the lease bike scheme. Your registration may be rejected. If this is the case, KLM will send you a rejection e-mail. As this is an automatic process, it may take some time before you receive notification. For privacy reasons, the reason for rejection is not included in the e-mail you receive. The drop-down menu 'Conditions' lists the reasons for which you may be rejected. If you still have quetions, you can contact the HRSSC via
- Upon KLM's approval, you will receive a welcome e-mail from Hellorider with a PIN code. You will need this PIN to order your bike. You can order a bike in two ways:
- By visiting one of the bicycle dealers affiliated to Arval Bike Lease/Hellorider, available via the online dealer overview. Indicate to the dealer that you can lease a bike from Arval Bike Lease via the Hellorider platform and give the pin code to the dealer. The dealer enters this pin code into the system and can use it to request your chosen bike.
- Via Arval Bike Lease/Hellorider's online offer page. Here, you enter your unique pin code and request the bicycle, provided the bicycle you selected can be ordered online. You will recognise this by the 'order online' label.
- Once you have applied for your bike, KLM will check once again whether you meet the conditions and that after paying the monthly instalment, you don't drop below the minimum wage. If you do you fall below the minimum wage, or if you no longer meet the other conditions, then you will receive a rejection e-mail. The drop-down menu 'Conditions' lists the reasons for rejection. If you still have quetions, you can contact the HRSSC via.
- o If you meet the conditions but the monthly payments for your chosen bike take you below the minimum wage, you may be able to lease another (cheaper) bicycle. Use Arval Bike Lease's special calculator to see what your leasing costs will be. You can find the current minimum wage amounts on the website of the Central Government.
- Once this last check has been approved, Hellorider will inform you by e-mail that your bike will be ordered. Once the availability of the bike is known, you will be informed about the pick-up or delivery time. When you accept the delivery of the bike, you agree to the conditions of the lease bike scheme.
You enter into the lease bike scheme for a minimum of 36 months, premature termination is not possible without financial consequences. If your employment contract ends for any reason during the term of your lease bike agreement, you will owe a so-called early termination fee. The early termination fee amounts to 40% of the remaining lease terms. KLM/KLC may offset these costs against your gross salary or final settlement. If your gross salary or final settlement is not sufficient, you will have to pay the (remaining) amount of the early termination fee to KLM.
An example: you leave employment while you still have 12 months of the lease contract to go, 24 months have already passed. Your monthly lease amount is 100 euros, this means you still have to pay 40% of 100 euros over the months left in your lease: in this case, 12 months. You will have to pay 12 x 40 euros, a total of 480 euros. There can be no exceptions to this.
Please pay attention if you have a temporary employment contract for more than a year. Even though you are able to use the lease bike scheme, you run the risk of owing an early termination fee if your employment contract is not renewed.
If your employment ends, this also means, in addition to the termination fee due, that you have to return your lease bike, unless you want to use the following options:
- You can transfer your contract to a new employer free of charge, provided the new employer agrees. As a result, you will not owe an early termination fee. KLM must inform Arval of this in good time, so make sure you inform both employers of your wish to take the lease bike with you as soon as possible. You are responsible for handling this arrangement between KLM and the new employer. KLM has no independent responsibility in this.
- You can buy the bike from the lease company. The leasing company will make you an offer, this offer depends on when the lease ends. The takeover offer is separate from the early termination fee that you will also have to pay.
Do you have any questions about the lease bike scheme? Then check the Q&A at the bottom of this page to see if the answer to your question is among them or contact the HRSSC directly at
For questions about the offer page, the online dealer overview or the calculator, please contact Arval at or 030-602 4404. For questions about the platform or the ordering process, please contact Hellorider by submitting a request at
- Go to the lease bike scheme
- Go to the online offer page
- Go to the special calculator
- View to the online dealer overview
- View the Q&A on the lease bike scheme