Transport registration system

Transport registration system
Transport registration system

New Sustainable Transport Policy and Transport Registration System to Go Live on 1st November 2024

From 1st November 2024 we will be launching the transport ladder - as agreed in the Ground Staff Collective Agreement and the KLC/KLM Cabin Collective Agreement 2023-2025. Starting from this date, the more sustainable your mode of travel, the higher the compensation you will receive for your commute!

To ensure that you receive the correct transport allowances for your commuting after 1st November 2024, KLM has developed a registration system that can be accessed via MyKLM.

In addition, from 1st July 2024, companies with more than 100 employees are required to report on the Dutch CO2 emissions from business trips and commuting of their employees receiving transport allowances. So, a registration system is also necessary to comply with this legal obligation. This system must record the kilometres travelled on commutes and duty travel within the Netherlands.

This new transport registration system will go live on 1st November 2024 and will apply to all employees covered by both the ground and KLM/KLC cabin CLAs. Colleagues who fall under the cockpit CLA do not receive travel allowance and therefore do not have to register their commute.

It's important that employees register their journeys because without registration, no allowance will be paid. In addition, working from home and claims for duty travel in the Netherlands must also be registered in this new system from 1st  November.

What you need to do?

As of 1st November, as a ground or cabin employee, you are required to personally register all you commutes, duty travel and home working days in the registration system. This will ensure that you receive the correct allowance.

Find out how to register for:
Register your Journey

The registration system is available from 1 November 2024.

What happens to my personal data and on what basis does KLM share it with NS?

Firstly, KLM has a legal obligation to document the type of transportation used by employees who receive a commuting allowance. This is to meet the reporting requirement under the ‘Wet Werkgebonden personenmobiliteit’ (Work-Related Personnel Mobility Act.)

In addition, registration of a commute is necessary to pay out the transport allowance agreed in the Ground and Cabin Collective Agreement. After an extensive selection process, an existing and suitable system, 'NS Go', was chosen in which to complete these registrations.

KLM uses the expertise of external parties for a number of processes. Before a contract is signed with these parties, a thorough process is conducted to carefully identify and mitigate any privacy and IT security risks. This is the AFKL GDPR Contracting Process. It is mandatory for any new process involving the handling of personal data. A contract cannot and should not be signed without having gone through this process.

Based on the outcome of the AFKL GDPR Contracting Process, contractual agreements are made with the external party about which personal data are shared and for what purpose they may be used (and therefore no other purpose!) as well as which IT Security measures apply.

The process around transport registration was submitted to the KLM Privacy Office for approval. Here, the process was assessed for compliance with privacy legislation (AVG / GDPR) and whether KLM has a legal basis for the processing. This is a requirement of the AVG.

The process was also submitted to the Works Council's Privacy Committee. They act as representatives of the employees. They reviewed the process and gave their consent. Without the Privacy Office's approval and the consent of the Works Council's Privacy Committee, the process could not have started.

In the case of the transport registration system, two legal bases apply:

  1. Performance of an agreement (art 6b AVG)
    The transport allowance is a collective bargaining agreement and thus part of the employment contract. KLM must therefore perform this processing for the execution of the employment agreement.
  2. Legal obligation (art 6c AVG)
    Based on the ‘Werkgebonden personenmobiliteit’ (Work-related Passenger Mobility Act), KLM is obliged to register what form of transport employees who receive a transport allowance use for commuting.

The law also states that registration should be as easy as possible for the employee. It was therefore decided to pass on some of the employees' data in advance to the system's supplier, NS. As described above, strict contractual arrangements have been made between KLM and NS for this purpose.

How will my registered attendance and home working days be shown on my payslip?

This explanation shows the effect of the new transport allowance on your payslip and how it will be shown on it.

Any questions?

If you still have questions, then check the extensive Q&A. If you can't find your question and have a question about:

  • the transport registration system? Then contact NS Customer Service by phone on weekdays between 8am-6pm at 030 - 300 1111, select option 4 in the menu, or ask your question via this contact form.
  • transport, please contact the specific carrier? For NS, this can be done 24/7 via the customer service on 030 - 300 1111, select option 4 in the menu.
  • KLM's transport policy or your salary slip? Ask your question by emailing
19 December 2024